Using Rostrata, quickly understand the operational and financial performance of any package of care — and integrate with Digital Social Care Records requirements.

Using Rostrata, understand which personalised care packages are performing well and why, and which need attention. Spot financial trends before they become issues and analyse problem areas with staffing and funding.
Whatever insights and analytics you need, Rostrata can provide a bespoke report. Exportable on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis, they can be filtered by time, value, individual plan or organisation.
Care providers can arm themselves with Rostrata’s reporting tools and grow their business, while commissioners can be confident that the packages they fund are being delivered efficiently and effectively.

Measure the financial performance of your organisation via profit and loss reports at any level of analysis - from overall organisation and teams down to individual clients.

Support Plan Gross Management
Offering granular detail of the financial gross margins of packages, pulling in all the data that Rostrata extracts from the care plan for an individual.

Client Gross Margin
An individual client budget report presenting the data in the support plan gross margin report in high level summary. Exportable on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.

Financial Trends
An organisation-wide overview of income performance, gross margin and hours delivered - providing focus on key problem areas and packages over time. Allows CEOs and CFOs to concentrate their time on the packages that need attention by setting targets and monitoring performance.
Measure the operational performance and efficiency of your organisation via support plan and staff at any level.
Support Plan Review
A detailed calendar view of support plan periods covered and review dates due, helping management to keep on top of this critical area of care and support.
Each support plan should have a defined review date where funding decisions can be triggered. Operating like a CRM package for care providers, this summary of active care packages in an organisation is a vital organisational tool.
Shift status
An operational hub managing the shift process from start to finish. View at summary or highly detailed level to pinpoint problem areas, allowing for effective business planning.
This report allows management to track the status of all created rosters and shifts, carers assigned, clocked in and clocked out - and shift authorisation.
This provides complete transparency of the end to end process of care delivery and all aspects of shift fulfilment.
App usage and clock in/out status
A system compliance report which allows managers to track how effectively Rostrata is being used and implemented.
By ensuring that Rostrata is being used correctly, this report assures system compliance and accurate, quality data outputs.
Built from a client’s NHS number up, understand at operational level how a care package you fund via a support plan is being delivered, where there are gaps in provision and even why over delivery is occurring.
Viewed at care provider or client level, this one report contains everything a commissioner needs to instantly audit a care plan at any point, not just understanding the financial implications of over or under delivery, but highlighting any potential safeguarding issues.
If your framework requires an Open Book approach, our software tool Rostrata can provide a fully comprehensive overview of all financial and operational elements of care delivery.

Open Book
Our reporting suite can be used by both provider and commissioner to manage their financial and operational relationship in an open book manner, if their framework requires it.
Starting with an individual’s NHS number, Rostrata is the only system providing the mechanism for effective open book management of care packages.
Digital Social Care Records
One of the biggest changes to how care is delivered and recorded is coming in 2024 – but are you ready for it? Rostrata can help you get there quickly.
Care providers are being asked to provide Digital Social Care Records (DSCRs) by the NHS Transformation Directorate. It’s an initiative enabling the digital recording of care information and care received by an individual within a social care setting. DSCRs replace traditional paper records.
Through Rostrata’s groundbreaking real-time reporting suite, you can be set up to integrate with DSCR requirements - freeing up time spent by your staff on administrative tasks while equipping them with the information they need to deliver care.

The DSCR programme wants 80% of CQC registered adult social care providers to have a digital social care record solution in place by March 2024, interoperating with a local shared care record.